Caring and support for Dementia and Alzheimer

Septembre Mois Mondial Alzheimer - Marche et Conference Public- Journee Alzheimer le 21 Septembre a Rose Hill

Time to Act on Dementia
Il est temps D’agir contre la Démence

Sensitisation planning Alzheimer 2024

Attitudes to Dementia survey - Deadline extension to 14 June 2024

This the last opportunity to make your voices count and I would like to remind you that if your reach a minimum of 100 responses per category (more is obviously better) ADI will be able to analyse the data, and provide information specific to your country that you can use in your advocacy efforts. So we encourage you to keep sharing and promoting the survey with your networks, family, friends and the public!
You can find the recording of ADI's latest member coffee catch-up about the survey in the Webinars and masterclass section of ADI intranet here (password: September).
Please share the link to access the survey

Connaissez-vous une personne vivant avec une démence ou la maladie Alzheimer ?

Never too early, never too late

The World Alzheimer's Month 2023 campaign, 'Never too early, never too late', will centre around risk factors and risk reduction. Click here to read more.

The Association Alzheimer & Dementia Mauritius a member of ADI since 2009

The ALZHEIMER ASSOCIATION of Mauritius was officially registered on the 30th of May 2005 as a result of the efforts of a group of persons from various areas of civil society, acting on their own or within organized NGOs, who were all concerned with the care of elderly persons in a country with an ageing population.

We are a member of ADI (Alzheimer Disease International) - the International Federation of 85 Alzheimer Associations around the world.


- To increase awareness in the public about dementias and Alzheimer’s disease
- To provide support and care to persons suffering from Dementias and Alzheimer’s Disease and to their families
- To advocate for greater understanding of Dementias and Alzheimer’s Disease and to improve the management
- To make Dementias a health priority
- To carry out research on dementias and Alzheimer’s Disease


ALZHEIMER DISEASE is the most common type of dementia – 50 to 60% of all cases of Dementia, affecting mostly elderly persons.
It is associated with wide spread neuron degenerative damage of brain tissue.
It results in a decline of the mental and cognitive function, especially memory, language, judgment and thinking and interferes with daily activities and social relationships.

It usually runs a progressive course although it can be step by step; it is irreversible and ultimately fatal.
For people aged over 60 it is the second leading cause of years lived with disability (WHO 2004)

With the ageing of the world’s population and the increasing number of people aged over 60 there will be a substantial increase in the number of people with dementia.
World wide there are about 35 millions persons with Alzheimer Disease (2009 ADI report) and In MAURITIUS it was estimated in 2007 that around 6,000 persons had Alzheimer’s Disease.

Download our leaflet


Download our leaflet

AGM 2024

Please click on link below for more information
AGM 2024 Download

Attitudes to Dementia World Alzheimer Report 2024 Survey

We encourage you to participate in this survey on Dementia.. your response is important to help us for future actions.
Please click on this link for more information

You can become a member of Association Alzheimer & Dementia, whether you are a person living with dementia, a parent, a carer, a health professional or a volunteer.
Please download and fill the form and send back to the Secretary, associationalzheimer@intnet .mu